In light of the war in Ukraine, Canada introduced a Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET). With approved CUAET applications, Ukrainians and their family members can enter Canada, leave and return to it at any time while their visa is valid. They may renew or apply for a new work or study permit and are eligible to attend elementary and secondary schools. 

The main benefit of the CUAET policy is that a successful applicant receives a three-year open work permit that allows employment with almost any employer, at any position in Canada with limited exceptions. If strategically planned, this work permit may lead to permanent residence in Canada. 

Avenues Available to Ukrainians to Become a Permanent Resident

While there are no specific permanent resident programs available for Ukrainians yet, there are many long-time existing federal or provincial avenues to become a permanent resident. In this article, I shortly describe three programs currently available.

Express Entry for Ukrainians

Express Entry (EE) is an immigration program ranking all eligible candidates based on their age, education, language proficiency, work experience, and some other factors. Depending on the stream chosen, one needs to demonstrate qualifying work experience outside and inside of Canada, abilities in English and/or French, educational credential assessment of the foreign degree in order to create a profile in the federal pool of candidates. Once this is done, a profile, which is valid for 12 months, is generated with the score of the candidate. Once a candidate is selected and an invitation to apply for permanent residence issued, an applicant has 60 days to submit a complete application.

The Immigration Department (“IRCC”) aims to process 80% of completed Express Entry applications within 8 months from the moment a completed application is received. For those who are eligible, EE is the prompt way of becoming a permanent resident in Canada. 

Federal – Self Employed Program

The Federal – Self-Employed program is available for those who have relevant experience in a field of culture or sport, are willing and able to be self-employed in Canada, meet the program’s selection criteria and are admissible to Canada. In assessing relevant experience and an ability to establish a feasible business, an officer will consider the managerial experience in the relevant field, the sufficiency of a person’s financial assets, previous self-employment experience and viability of the business plan submitted. 

The list of professions that are considered as qualifying under this program is extensive and includes editors, producers, actors, musicians, librarians, sport coaches and many more. Notably, both Canadian and foreign experience is accepted, which means that Ukrainians who do not have relevant work experience from Ukraine can gain it in Canada during their three-year work permit. The most interesting and attractive feature of this type of application is that a minimum investment amount is required. It would be enough to demonstrate that the amount would suffice for the suggested business activity to generate income and benefit the Canadian economy. 

Caregiver Pilot Program

A third option is a Caregiver Pilot Program, which offers a possibility to apply for permanent residency to foreign nationals with work experience as home childcare providers and home support workers. 

Caregivers typically care for children or provide assistance for seniors, people with disabilities on an ongoing or on a short-term basis. Ukrainians with such experience residing in the province of Ontario will have two options to apply for permanent residence. One would be under the Federal Pilot Program and another under Provincial Nominee program if a valid job offer exists.  

Note that while the cap for Home Child Care Provider stream closes quickly but the Home Support Worker pilot remains open up to the end of the year, as not enough applicants in this category. Therefore, those with relevant experience, level of English or French of 5 in the Canadian Language Benchmarks and educational credentials may apply for permanent residence in 9-12 months of employment, depending on the type of the application.

Canadian Immigration Lawyers

If you are looking for immigration lawyers who can help with your permanent relocation to Canada, we can certainly assist you. At Jain Immigration Law we are able to navigate complex legal issues and avoid legal and practical problems before they arise. The entire team derives great satisfaction from providing expert assistance. Contact us today for a consultation.